post ini tidak halal dan tak akan halal sebab saya nak introduce makanan Bali paling famous, paling sedap.....dan paling tak halal....
Tuan tuan dan puan puan.....Babi Guling Ibu Oka
Ok, change back to English because is so inappropriate to use Malay Language in this post!!!
I don't think I need to introduce much about this Babi Guling. In Malaysia we have our very own roasted pig with rough skin just like pimple skin but Bali babi guling skin was crunchy yet smooth.
Coming from the family where produce roasted pig, I know the reason why their skin is not rough like those in Malaysia. The roasted pig in Malaysia was marinated with lot of salt and half way through the baking, the skin will be poke to allow the oil to come out thus leading to all poking area to be expand and become rough....
While that thus not happen in Babi Guling in Bali, one can expect the skin to be crunchy yet chewy and below the skin was thick layer of fat!!! YES FAT!!! A lot of FAT!!! But taste heavenly...
We order Babi Guling Rice that come with rice and babi guling of course. However we are given liver sausage, babi guling skin and meat, vegetables and fried intestine...Well, sound porky right?
Verdict: The meat was juicy but was way too chewy. The reason why it was so chewy is because the seller do not cut the meat against the meat line but was inline with it. Thus it take really a lot of hardwork to chew the meat into smaller pieces. Skin was nice but was fattening while the liver sausage taste horrible. For chinese, we normally add in liquor into liver sausage to put aside the porky smell of liver, but Ibu Oka didn't do that and it end up taste weird.....
Well, in conclusion although the it get bad comment from me, I still believe it was a must try delicacy in Bali.
It looks so YUMMY!
looks like 乳猪 to me
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