Last week, we planned for a BDO gathering and celebrate all good things
1. Farewell
2. Find New Job
3. Birthday
and all sort of thing under the sun....
So of all the place, Justine and Christine Loo decided to go for Thai Fish Farm Restaurant in Hulu Langat. I do some research about this restaurant and all I know is we need a 4 wheel drive to make our way there.....But basically when I told my friend this, my friend said, Waja also got 4 wheel what so can go la....
Ok Ok...fine....So we headed there....We have to use trial and error formula to find this place since none of us know the place...
What happen next is nightmare....Frankly speaking to come this place beside needed a 4 wheel drive, what you need is BRAVERY!!! Yeah..that is the polite word rather than saying GUTS...
The road toward the restaurant is 100 time more challenging than driving to Genting... No light, rocky road, full with bump and hump, sloping and hilly, thick forestry and slippery....That is the condition of the area....This is why I personally thinking we are more to expedition to hunt a tiger rather than eating
So we end up there around 8.40pm with empty stomach. Though we have make booking earlier, there is no table to put 19 of us....So we waited for 15 minutes....Than we were ask to carry our own plate...That is Ok....Then they give us all forks and spoon while all of us waiting for the person to clean the place....
Then we all seated and waited for our food... We order 2 plate each for
1. Kangkung Belacan
2. Paku Belacan
3. Sei Tai Thian Wong (4 majesty vege)
4. Ginger steam chicken
5. Lime leave fried chicken
6. Tom Yam Soup
7. Steam sweet and sour fish (which end up super HOT)
8. BBQ cheese Japanese Clam (Escargot)
9. BBQ Crab
10. BBQ Cockle
11. BBQ Squid
Long story cut short...2 hours later we end up eating only:
1. Kangkung Belacan 1 plate
2. Paku Belacan 2 plate
3. Steam Fish 1 plate
4. Tom Yam Soup 2 bowl
5. BBQ squid 2 plate
6. Lime Leave fried chicken 2 plate
7. Ginger chicken 1 plate
8. Sei Tai Thian Wong 1 plate
and total bill......RM 180...quite ok la but service wise...not so good...Waited so long, see those who come later get to eat those crab while we waited and waited just to know the crab is sell off....
Not worth for the journey and your car tyre....
So we end our night at Look Out Point and have some drink...
Sorry no photo since we all are hungry like fresh release prisoner...So all food finish within second...Imagine 19 of us....Haha